CACN/IPIC Webinar: Enforcement of IP Rights at Canada’s Border – Get with the Program!
Date(s) - Jan/16/2019
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
How can IP owners benefit from the current Request for Assistance (RFA) program in Canada? How easy is filing your trademarks and copyrights? How has the program been working in practice? What does the future hold? Case studies will illustrate some of the most effective ways to make this program work. What information do customs officers need or prefer to have to assist them in targeting counterfeit products. Hear from CBSA and practitioners using the regime successfully.
Moderator: Lorne M. Lipkus (Partner, Kestenberg Siegal Lipkus LLP)
Speaker: Mike Junek, (a/Executive Director, Programs Branch, Canada Border Services Agency / Government of Canada)
Speaker: David S. Lipkus (Partner, Kestenberg Siegal Lipkus LLP )
Mike Junek is currently the acting Executive Director, in the Commercial Programs Directorate of the CBSA. In this role he is responsible for policies and programs relating to the import and export of commercial goods to and from Canada, including transformational projects such as the Single Window Initiative. Mike has over 20 years’ experience with CBSA and Customs, including policy development, program management, project and corporate functions. Mike holds a degree in Political Science from Simon Fraser University, and began his career as a customs inspector in Vancouver.
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