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  • Report a Fake
  • Report a Fake

Report a Fake!

The Canadian Anti-Counterfeiting Network (CACN) encourages consumers to make careful, informed purchasing decisions.

– Compare products with what is on the manufacturer’s site
– Look for differences in design
– Watch for spelling mistakes, different product materials, dimensions and descriptions
– Be careful of 3rd party sites
– A significant price difference

The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC)


Why you should report:

  • It can connect crimes together, like a puzzle piece
  • To help criminal investigations
  • Can indicate a trend and aid in forecasting to help with prevention & awareness

Crime Stoppers

CACN works closely with the Canadian Crime Stoppers Association to provide citizens with a vehicle to anonymously provide the police with information about a crime or potential crime. Cash rewards are offered to people who call the program and their information leads to an arrest.

The sale and production of counterfeit goods is a crime. If you have information regarding the sale or production of counterfeit merchandise, please use one of the methods outlined below to contact a Crime Stoppers program – your anonymity is guaranteed.

The sale and production of counterfeit goods is a crime. If you have information regarding the sale or production of counterfeit merchandise, please use one of the methods outlined below to contact a Crime Stoppers program – your anonymity is guaranteed.

There are three ways that you can submit a tip to a Crime Stoppers program (

By Phone:

Call 1-800-222-8477 from anywhere in North America to retrieve the closest Crime Stopper program in your area.

By WebTip:

Several Crime Stopper programs have initiated a secure Website link for your convenience. Your information will be encrypted and forwarded to the program you choose. By clicking on the above link, you will be able to drill down to the program in the area where the crime was committed.

By TipSoft (via cell phone)

By accessing the above link, you will be able to drill down to the program where the crime occurred or the program where you want to give your information to. Each Crime Stopper program has an unique SMS identification number.

Send your message to ‘CRIMES’ (274637), and at the beginning of the body, type in ‘TIP’ and the ‘program identification number’. Example: TIP1234. Complete your message. Your messages are secure and anonymous.

Report to your Local Police Agency

If you come across dangerous fakes, and  you are not concerned about remain anonymous, you should call the non-emergency line of  your local police agency and report the criminal activity.