CACN IP Enforcement Working Group Meeting

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Date(s) - Jun/19/2015
9:30 am - 11:00 am

CACN has scheduled an IP Enforcement Working Group meeting for Friday, June 19th in Ottawa. With the passage of the Combating Counterfeit Products Act, there is an increased need to jointly discuss the coordination of efforts with industry partners, such as Industry Canada, CBSA, RCMP and others.

The IP Enforcement Working Group will help centralize the coordination of anti-counterfeiting training in Canada, including seminars similar to those put on by CACN, enabling further discussion and education for rights holders, law enforcement and customs officers. An update from the meeting will be provided in the next issue of this newsletter.

For all enquiries, please contact Brian Isaac (Smart & Biggar/Fetherstonhaugh) at [email protected]