Webinar: Canada’s New Food Laws & Licensing for Food Importers, Exporters and Manufacturers
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Date(s) - Sep/22/2014
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Canada will implement a new food regulation in 2015 that will impact all food importers, exporters and Canadian food manufacturers. Central to the regulation will be the requirement for all food importers, exporters and manufacturers to have a license from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency as well as documented Preventive Control Plans. New requirements will also be placed on those non-resident importers who import food into Canada.
This 90 minute Webinar will touch on the new regulatory compliance requirements for:
• Licensing of food importer, exporters and manufacturers
• Requirements for non-resident food importers
• Preventive Control Plans for food safety and technical regulatory compliance
• New requirements for product tracking, tracing and recall
• Proposed regulatory requirements for:
o Grade Standards
o Ministerial Exemptions
o Labelling and Standards of Identify
The webinar will be given by Keith Mussar V.P. Regulatory Affairs for I.E.Canada and co-chair of I.E.Canada’s Food Committee. As a member of the Canadian Food Inspection Advisory Committee on the regulatory development he is well positioned to provide the most current information on the regulation and its impact on the Canadian food sector.
Member Rate – $150
Non Member Rate – $200
To register for this webinar, click on the REGISTER NOW button below!